Band » Band



South Greene Middle School Band

Syllabus 2024-2025


Classroom: Band Room



  • Mr. Frederick: [email protected]
  • Miss B: [email protected] 
  • We also use the Band App to send out important information. We will need your phone number to add you to the group.


Course Description: 

Middle school band at South Greene is designed for all students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade who have an interest in instrumental music. All grade levels will meet 5 days a week for 45 minutes. This course develops skills that will make students not only well-rounded musicians but also helps them excel in their core education classes. 


Course Materials: 

  1. Habits of a Successful Beginner Band Musician (6th Grade and 7th Grade)
  2. Instrument specific cleaning tools (specifics will be given to students)
  3. Pencil



The following instruments will be offered to all middle school students:

  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Alto Saxophone
  • French Horn
  • Trumpet
  • Trombone
  • Euphonium
  • Tuba
  • Percussion


We have a limited number of instruments that we own here at South Greene so it is very important that students rent their instruments from Music Doctors in Kingsport. A separate information sheet will be sent out with your students on prices and availability from Music Doctors. 

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop skills in instrumental music related to performing, analyzing, creating, and responding to music. 
  2. Develop skills in instrumental music to become successful musicians and 21st century citizens. 
  3. Demonstrate skills in instrumental music that contribute positively to culture and the school community.


Course Grading:

Grading will be broken down into 4 categories: 

  1. Exams, Homework, Daily Work, Quizzes: 25%
  2. After-School Rehearsals: 25%
  3. Participation: 15%
  4. Concert Attendance (1 performance per semester): 35%



There will be both playing exams and written exams for all grade levels. The playing tests will go over things such as music fundamentals that we go through everyday as well as short excerpts from concert music. Students will receive a rubric prior to each playing test. The written exams will go over musical terms that we will learn throughout the year. These exams are designed to give me a good idea on what exactly each student needs to work on throughout the school year. These exams are designed to be stress free. 



We will have both in-class and take home assignments. The assignments will vary from grade level to grade level. Most, if not all, will focus on music fundamentals and minimal history research. 


After-School Rehearsals:

There will be one after-school rehearsal per semester. This category will also include practice journals for students to complete at home.



Students will be graded on having the necessary items everyday, following expectations, and actively contributing to class. I do not wish to penalize a student for missing class so I will not grade based solely on whether a student is here or not but rather are you here doing what you’re supposed to be doing when you’re supposed to do it.


Concert Attendance:

Concerts are our big end of the semester project. There will be one in December and one in May. This is what we work towards so attendance is mandatory as it affects a good portion of your grade. We want to show how your students have grown over the months so this is a great opportunity to highlight your students. Information on the dates will be given at a later time.


Rules and Procedures:

  • Check the board for assignments, times, announcements  
  • Shoes and socks must be worn for all outside rehearsals  
  • Wear the proper clothing for rehearsals and performance  
  • Gum is not permitted in rehearsal or the band room  
  • No hats or sunglasses inside the building  
  • Be in your seat or assigned area on time with all materials  
  • Food and drink are not permitted in the band room  
  • Respect yourself, authority and others, including personal property  
  • Drinking, smoking and drugs are STRICTLY PROHIBITED. All SGMS policies regarding such are in force during any band activity  
  • Any vandalism to instruments, purposely or not, will be paid for by the perpetrator, and may result in dismissal from the band program at director’s discretion.  
  • Fundraising materials will be collected by booster club officers or turned into Mr. Frederick in a sealed envelope with student’s name written on it 



  • Be in your assigned seat with instrument, music, and pencil no later than THREE MINUTES after the bell rings. 
  • Do not chew gum during class. 
  • Respect the facilities, equipment, and the musical abilities of your peers. 
  • Take responsibility for your behavior and performance in rehearsal. 
  • Do not leave personal belongings & food in the band room. 
  • Band Students are expected to remain in the band room during rehearsal unless otherwise directed by Mr. Frederick. Students must sign out to use the restroom or to go anywhere else in the school. 


Instrument Care and School Property:

Instrument care is your responsibility. You need to keep your instrument clean and in working condition. It is especially important to keep harmful substances out of the band room and away from your equipment (ex. gum and soda). If you do not know how to keep it clean, please ask for help. If your instrument needs repair, please consult Mr. Frederick as soon as possible to either repair or diagnose the problem. 

School property will be treated with respect (rooms, furniture, computers, instruments, music, uniforms, etc.). Any property that is lost or damaged will be replaced and/or repaired at your expense (i.e., lost music, broken mouthpieces, bent valves, etc.). Also, all school owned instruments must be contracted from the music department for your use and the rental fee paid. Remember all equipment, personal and school owned, is an investment and needs to live a long and productive life. Please take care of it. In addition, remember to protect your investment further and insure all personal property for your safety.


Performance Attire:

Everyone must follow the assigned attire to provide a uniform appearance at all functions. 

  • Concert Band Performances 
    • Dress Black and White (no print on clothing)  
    • Black Socks and shoes 
  • Band Bazaar
    • South Greene T-Shirt
    • Khaki Pants or Shorts